2018 Leadership Gala
**Closed **

When:    October 19th, 2018 - 6:30pm to 11:00pm
Where:  Boston Marriott, Copley Square
               110 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02116

Individual tickets - $135.00


$2,000 - Dinner for 10 guests, cocktail reception, silent/live auction, remarks by president, keynote speaker, company listed on website for 1 year, full page ad in program guide, listing as a sponsor in program guide, logo showcased on screen in main ballroom, and opportunity to provide promotional item for guests.

$1,750 – Dinner for 10 guests, cocktail reception, silent/live auction, remarks by president, keynote speaker, company listed on website for 1 year, half page ad in program guide, listing as a sponsor in program guide, logo showcased on screen in main ballroom, and opportunity to provide promotional item for guests.

$1,500 – Dinner for 10 guests, cocktail reception, silent/live auction, remarks by president, keynote speaker, company listed on website for 1 year, listing as a sponsor in program guide, logo showcased on screen in main ballroom, and opportunity to provide promotional item for guests

$1,350 - Dinner for 10 guests, cocktail reception, silent/live auction, remarks by president, keynote speaker, company listed on website for 1 year, listing as a sponsor in program guide, and opportunity to provide promotional item for guests. For more information on sponsorship contact: (617)971-0317

Please RSVP by submitting your registration online below

Registration Form

For more information on sponsorship contact: (617)971-0317 Please submit your Event registration below.

Email Address:
First Name:   
Last Name:   
Phone (Land-line or Cell):   

Address Information

Street Address:   
     Apt, Suite:  
     State:     Zipcode:  
Volunteer Recommendation(s)   



2 Eliot Place 
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Contact Us

Email: sara.ting@worldunityinc.org 
Phone:  617-971-0317 
Fax:       617-971-0317