Elementary School | | 1st Place | | | | | | | Marina Stevenson, 5th Grade, Happy Hallow, Wayland Just One Touch Just one touch and I’ll find out That you’re not at all different from me. Just the shake of a hand and I’ll soon know that looks can truly be deceiving Just a simple gesture and I’ll have known for sure that what happened in the past meant nothing. It’s the soul that shines the brightest And the heart that has the bling | |  | | | 2nd Place | | | | Taylor Mittelsteadt, 5th Grade, Happy Hallow, Wayland Jason’s Sight
Jason is blind He cannot see the difference between you and me Black or white, Yellow or red, Dark hair or light. Whether you’re tall Or whether you’re small whether you’re smart, or whether you’re dumb whether you’re happy or glum He sees us the same. But I do not think he is blind, Because although he cannot see, He knows we are different, not because of our skin, but what we think, we like, we play What make us us, day after day And so he is not blind, We all should see Like he. | |  | | | 3rd Place | | | | Brit Ellis, 5th Grade, Chenery Middle School, Belmont Poem He’s just like me, though he’s a he- And I’m certainly a she We’re so alike in ways that matter Like the way we laugh and chatter And how we really think it’s cool To do our best, work hard in school Some kids say he’s not my kind, Not my type, but I don’t mind So what if he has different skin, Or chubby cheeks, while I’m thin We may not look the same to you But where it counts, we match, we do! | |  | | | |