Fan Pier was the number one site we were pursuing. Meetings were held with Spaulding & Sly to secure a site in the master plan. Early meetings involved changes in the design making it more transparent. In a May meeting with Spaulding & Sly we were told that we are being viewed as an option.
We are pursuing discussions with Massport concerning a site in the seaport area. The Central Artery has parcels of lands that are being developed into green space. We are revisiting the Central Artery and were advised to send our proposal to a Commission that is being formed regarding the public space for the Central Artery. Our proposal has been submitted to the Trustee for City Hall Plaza. The development of City Hall Plaza is still in flux delaying any consideration of our project.
The total revenues for the year were $29,909 and expenses were $3,585.
We elected John Chuang as a trustee. We added eight new board members, Robert Needham, Michael Moriarty, Samuel Wells, Michael Donham, Aditz Vazquez, Farah Pandith, Thomas Wagner and Anowsh Dadgar.
We elected Joel Aronson as a Trustee and voted Michael Hemingway as Vice President.
We recommended the architects present a design option that may be more suitable to a more urban space and also reflect the flexibility and sensitivity of the project to a site. The second design option is more horizontal in nature and the initial design has now been changed to an all glass concept.