The Melting Pot
1st Place (Click on image to hear poem)
Mix new cultures
Mix new faces
Sprinkle in lots of different places
Add immigrants from around the world
Stir in talents of boys and girls
Smile, wave, shake some hands
Grind in people from faraway lands
Serve it while it’s nice and hot
We all become one, melting pot!
Lindsey Gilfeather
5th Grade
Chickering Elementary School
Dover MAAs the Stars in the Sky
We are all equal as the stars in the sky
They shine for one reason,
To give us some light.
As the stars in the sky were made with a goal,
To shine and be unique
No matter what’s told.
As the stars in the sky we treat each other fairly,
There’s no day or night when one or four shine more.
As the stars in the sky we connect together as a team,
To build a constellation of gleam.
And no one is ever left out.
Because we are all equal as the stars in the sky.
Mariam Peralta
6th Grade
Parlin SchoolEverett, MA
In my ELL class it is fun, nice and neat
Every student is different
We have different skin tones
We speak different languages
Like Spanish, Portuguese,
Chinese and Creole.
Every one of us represents
A different culture
No matter how big
No matter how small
No matter how we learn
In my ELL class
All students are respected.
Patricia Edulia Soto
4th Grade
Beebe School
Malden MA