World Unity Inc.

Shaun Blugh _____________________________________________________






Shaun Blugh

Chief Diversity Officer - City of Boston

Shaun Blugh is the first ever Chief Diversity Officer for the City of Boston. Shaun previously served as the Director of Due Diligence for IMB Development Corporation. In this role, Shaun assisted in the recruitment and vetting of diverse candidates for senior management positions in IMB’s portfolio companies.

 Shaun also worked closely with large corporations looking to increase their procurement with diverse suppliers and analyzed the national landscape for state and local governments with supplier diversity programs.

 During his time at IMB, he aided in the creation of IMB solutions, a minority-owned insurance brokerage, partnered with Willis of US, to address the demand for diverse supplier participation at scale in the insurance industry.  

He previously served as a paralegal for Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP, based in New York City, managing paralegal teams in complex litigation cases, most notably in re Lehman Brothers, the largest bankruptcy case in the history of the United States. Shaun is a graduate of Georgetown University.