Ceremony Host - Host of REVISTA HISPANA and Correspondent for Urban Update

From 1981 to present day Alberto Vasallo, has worked for El Mundo Newspaper, the largest Latino newspaper in New England.
In 2012, El Mundo Newspaper celebrated its 40th anniversary with a historic, first-of-its-kind celebration at America's Most Beloved Ballpark - Fenway Park. From 1992 to 2001, Alberto hosted and co-produced one of Spanish radio’s most popular drive time radio shows, ushering in the talk radio format for Spanish radio.
In 1995, Alberto partnered with the Boston Red Sox in promoting and implementing the Latino Youth Recognition days at Fenway Park. The event includes a pre-game ceremony with Red Sox Latino players honoring top Latino academic achievers from the area's public middle schools.
In 2004 he initiated the highly successful El Mundo Latino Career Expo series, which attract the largest and most diverse attendance of qualified career and job seekers, while featuring the Commonwealth's most distinguished public and private sector organizations as exhibitors. Last year, Alberto developed and hosted the El Mundo Hispanic Heritage Breakfast which featured some of the state's most visible leaders in a festive environment to honor National Hispanic Heritage Month.
Mr. Vasallo also works for two television shows on Channel 7, WHDH. Since 1995 he has produced and hosted REVISTA HISPANA, and he is a correspondent and host for URBAN UPDATE. Alberto is a graduate of Boston College High School (1985) and Boston College (1989) and serves as Master of Ceremonies, moderator and panelist for many of the area's corporate and community events across the commonwealth.
His father Alberto Vasallo, Jr. was born in Havana, Cuba. and his mother, Flor, is a native of Ecuador, South America.