• Humility
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The Story of Humility. In 2006, The Sun poem was printed on a book marker and sent to the Human Resource department of a hospital in Salem, Massachusetts. Upon receiving the book marker the assistant to the Human Resource director told me she could not believe what the book marker was saying and that someone would send something like this.

I asked her what did she think the poem was saying, she said, “I thought it was saying, “Who do you think you are.” She was startled and shocked that someone would send something like this. The poem stopped her in the middle of all her activities. Even though she had a strong negative response she did not throw the item away. She was open to reading it again to discover why she had such a strong reaction to four simple lines. In a matter of seconds upon reading the poem the second time she said - she was humbled. She could not believe the impact the poem had on her. This profound experience lead to the order of 500 book markers to be distributed to every single employee at the hospital.

A Simple easy way you can Help!

World Unity, Inc. is on a great mission to help eliminate all forms of prejudice, bias and discrimination.  You can help us in a very simple way by directing people to our website and encourage them to read the stories and to share The Sun poem, four simple lines that can empower and enlighten:

Are you greater than the sun
that shines on everyone:
Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White
the sun does not discriminate.

 © Sara Ting 1985.

If your budget permits we certainly would welcome a contribution.  A small contribution of $25 would give you 5 magnets to give away to friends and colleagues and help share the message and our mission.  Thank you for your time and consideration.  We hope you will join us in helping to change the world. Thank you for your support and leadership.



World Unity, Inc.

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